Turmeric root juice changed my life. I started juicing it two years ago and the results were obvious within 21 days. A note before you start reading, turmeric has many antioxidant properties but it...
Inspired by a local restaurant, I decided to do a steak salad with roasted veggies and Caesar dressing for lunch for the week for me and hubby. Meal prep is one of those things...
What the heck is Sjögren’s syndrome? Basically it’s when your immune system thinks your moisture producing glands are the bad guy and seeks to destroy them. Eyes, mouth and lady bits are all affected,...
Did you know garlic is a natural antibiotic? I don’t mean like in an, I have a horrible infection I’m going to rely solely on garlic, kind of way. I mean in a, give...
I try to take a few hours on the weekend and get, at the very least, lunches for the week for hubby and I. Work is the WORST place to be without food. I...
Pork with baby bok choy and sweet potato 2 pork chops Small head bok choy, sliced 1/4 cup of onion, sliced or diced, your choice 2 cloves of garlic – give or take –...
I need my nutrients, need them. When I don’t get them, I feel like poopoo caca. So, I want to get my nutrients as quickly and tasty as possible, without drinking them, of course!...