Coping through Introspection: A Journey into You, Video series

This Monday, March 12, I’ll be releasing the first video of my series, Coping through Introspection: A Journey into You

This is now live 🙂

After 37 years with narcolepsy, two movement disorders, two pain disorders and a small bucket full of other issues, I’ve come up with some coping techniques that helped me look inside myself, as a person, as a sufferer, and find my way to going beyond coping, into thriving.

I hope you’ll check it out. The first series is about the modes that people with chronic illness live in and how you can use introspection to dig into yourself, notice your needs and possibly affect some change that will give you a bit more coping power. Every minute spent coping is another minute spent coping.

Here’s a screen cap from editing, really excited to see this come to be. Big thank you to all of you who have supported me on this journey, who’ve already subscribed and who just got here looking for a little more headspace. I could not have done it without you.

For more information, to access downloadable content and to sign up for notifications, click here: Introspection


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Dawn Super

I have a multitude of disabling disorders and this site is about how I'm going beyond coping into thriving and loving my life.

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